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Review into past safeguarding cases published

Published: 5th October 2022

Following the publication of the national report into the church of England’s review into past safeguarding cases, we have today published an executive summary of the review undertaken in our diocese.

Over 1000 files were examined by an independent reviewer - a former Police Detective Inspector with significant experience in safeguarding matters and supporting survivors of abuse. Parishes were also asked to examine their own files and confirm that instances of concern relating to abusive behaviour by clergy or church officers had been reported to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser. No new potential safeguarding concerns were uncovered during the review.  The independent reviewer made a number of recommendations and those that were diocesan-focussed have all been implemented. Survivors of abuse were asked to contribute to the review and one survivor spoke openly with the reviewer about their experience.

The Bishop of Dudley, Martin Gorick, is lead bishop for safeguarding in the Diocese. He said:

“We valued the opportunity to undertake such a detailed review and find areas where we might improve. We received responses from all our parishes with no new cases discovered, and we were pleased that the Independent Reviewing Officer wanted to highlight the good practice of our safeguarding team. However, we never want to be complacent and always want to improve what we do to ensure churches are safe spaces for everyone. Recommendations in the Reviewer’s report have been compiled into an action plan which is monitored regularly, and we continue to seek to ensure the survivor’s voice continues to be heard in all that we do.”

In the final conclusion to his report, the Independent Reviewing Officer said:

“In the opinion of the IRO, the Diocese is in a very good position, exclusively down to the ability, hard work and dedication of the safeguarding team and diocesan support. The IRO does not make these remarks lightly. Since 2015, a clear change can be seen in recording, communication, knowledge, and the willingness to create independence in the safeguarding responsibility and role. The safeguarding team has embraced PCR2, welcomed new learning, has increased relationships with other agencies and taken on and used advice readily and constructively.”


Page last updated: Wednesday 5th October 2022 11:09 AM

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