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Lunchtime Learning: Winter 2025

Published: 19th December 2024

The next lunchtime learning sessions will be on the theme of Praying with Classic Prayers. Each month our speaker will take a famous or classic prayer and talk about why that prayer and its themes resonates for them and for today.

online learning header

An update on the Auxiliary Pathway to Ordination

Published: 1st August 2024

14 of those ordained in June trained through the ‘Auxiliary Pathway’. With a second cohort of candidates due to start in September, hear from two of those who were ordained Deacon this year.

Prajna Pal-Lad ordination header

In celebration of Mission Accompaniers: Chris Bright supporting Nick Gowers

Published: 18th June 2024

Mission Accompaniers are available to come alongside parishes to offer tailored support. Nick Gowers had been vicar nine years, when in 2022, Chris Bright became his Mission Accompanier.

Nick Gowers

New ALM Worship Leaders across Dudley

Published: 12th April 2024

11 people from parishes across the Greater Dudley Deanery have been presented with certificates to mark the completion of their course to become Authorised Lay Ministers (ALMs) as Worship Leaders.

Greater Dudley ALMs with Bishop Martin _header

Introducing our Mission and Ministry Team

Published: 26th February 2024

The diocesan Mission and Ministry Team helps to equip and enable people to follow God’s call in their lives and better serve their communities. The team offers learning and training opportunities for people throughout the Diocese, wherever they are in their discipleship journey.

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Not too late to join New Worshipping Community Learning Pathway launching Jan

Published: 23rd November 2023

In January a New Worshipping Community Learning Pathway pilot will be starting. It’s not too late to sign-up if you are interested in joining a supportive community with other church teams developing New Worshipping Communities. 

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Kidderminster East Team training event for Healing Prayer Ministers

Published: 12th November 2023

At the end of October, 19 members of the churches in Kidderminster East came together at St George’s Church, Kidderminster to follow an ‘Exploring Christian Healing’ course.

Exploring Christian Healing course logo.jpg

Creating digital content for Christmas using free resources

Published: 9th November 2023

Mel Beynon, Curate in the Halas Team, spent an afternoon exploring the free resources available from the Church of England and found them to be really helpful.

Laptop, notebook and pen

Successful Church Buildings conference

Published: 27th October 2023

The fourth ‘Fit for Function’ Church Buildings Conference took place earlier this month with over 40 people attending from parishes across the Midlands (and even as far away from The Wirral)!

Fit for function 2023

Deepening our Faith

Published: 17th August 2023

The Bishop’s Certificate course, exploring the bible and theology, will start again this autumn in both Dudley and Worcester areas of the diocese.

Bible Study

Bishop's Certificates presented

Published: 21st October 2022

People from across the Diocese have received a certificate from Bishop John, marking the completion of a course designed to help them relate their Christian faith to their own life and locality.

Lunchtime Learning

Published: 15th July 2022

This autumn we’re introducing a new monthly programme of events under the umbrella title “Lunchtime Learning”. It’s intended to share som of the wealth of resources we have within the Diocese.

Church members complete Bishop's Certificate course

Published: 11th November 2021

Over 40 people from across the Diocese have received a certificate from Bishop Martin, marking the completion of a course designed to help them relate their Christian faith to their own life and locality.

Church leaders to be trained to help those facing financial difficulty

Published: 4th August 2020

Church leaders have an opportunity to be trained to help those who are struggling with their finances.

Latest News

John Stanbury - RIP

13th January 2025

John Stanbury, who was our Diocesan Secretary during the 1990s has died after a long illness.

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The Diocesan Mailing is produced every two weeks and contains news, training opportunties and events from around the diocese and wider Church of England. Sign up here.

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If you have a news story you'd like to share with us, please email Sam Setchell / 07852 302516. If you have an upcoming event you'd like to publicise, you can add it to our calender.     

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Every two weeks we produce a short video reflection. These cover a range of topics and themes and are published on the website and our social media channels.

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