Church and School Partnership Award

Church and School partnership award logoThe Church and School Partnership Award celebrates the relationship between school and the local church and the impact that it has on the flourishing of the whole community.

The scheme looks to encourage school and church to look at ways in which they become one community and celebrate the impact it has.

Effective relationships are a key aspect of any church and school. When a church and school have an effective relationship with one another, it can have a tremendous impact on the flourishing of all who come into contact them.

Church and school partnerships work best when there is commitment and ‘buy-in’ from both sides. Churches and schools may already work together in some informal capacity, with church leading acts of worship or school using the church for Christmas and Easter services.

The Church and School Partnership Award seeks to do several things. Firstly, to celebrate all the things that churches and schools currently do to support one another and their local community. And secondly, to encourage churches and schools to work together more closely, deepening the relationship they have so that all may flourish and experience ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).

The Awards enable churches and schools to work collaboratively together, looking at what they already do and seeking new and exciting ways to forge stronger relationships. The aim of the accreditation is to facilitate a conversation, where church and school look openly at what they can offer one another in order to enhance the lives of each person in their community.

It is hoped that this award will not put additional work on any one party but rather bring church and school together in a life affirming way, celebrating that which is already taking place and encouraging where things could be deeper.

There are different levels of accreditation for this award, Bronze, Silver and Gold. The progression of each award reflects the depth of impact of the relationship rather than the need to do more things. The different award levels mean that wherever you are on your relationship journey, the Church and School Partnership Award will guide you through your next steps.

Bishop John said:Bishop John

"This award recognises the strong relationships between church schools and their local parish church, celebrating the transformational impact that working collaboratively has on the lives of individuals and the wider parish community. It is always immensely enriching to see young people and adults thrive through their shared knowledge that they are loved by God."

Watch a short film introducing the Church and School Partnership Award:


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