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Kashmir Garton becomes Interim Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel

Published: 20th November 2023

Kashmir Garton speaking at General SynodKashmir Garton has become the Interim Chair of the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Panel until such time as the Church’s future independent safeguarding arrangements are finalised. 

All independent Panel members were invited to apply for the roles of Interim Chair and Vice Chair, and the appointments were made by an interview panel that included survivor and professional representation.

The National Safeguarding Panel consists of independent multi-agency professionals and survivor representatives and the role of the Panel is to scrutinise and challenge the Church’s safeguarding work. Their work does not include any involvement in casework. Kashmir has been a member of the panel for the past two years representing work with those who have offended and supervised by the Probation Service.

Kashmir said:

“The work of the National Safeguarding Panel is hugely important. We act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Church in respect of its safeguarding practice. I decided to stand for the Interim role, as I really value the contribution that the Panel makes to improving such practice and wanted to support the continuation of its work whilst new safeguarding arrangements are being developed. I look forward to working with Panel members and the Vice Chair, Jane Chevous, to progress this work.”

Kashmir chaired her first meeting of the National Safeguarding Panel earlier this month (November).


Photo credit: Sam Atkins_Church of England

Page last updated: Monday 20th November 2023 3:42 PM

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