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Collective worship forum at St James', Wollaston

On the 28 June, St Jamess Parish Church were delighted to host the Schools' WorshipForum for church and non-church schools from across the Diocese. Many Christian denominations were representedin supporting and running the event, including Hope Baptist Church, LyeMethodist Church, Arise Church, Chawn Hill Community Church and AmblecoteChristian Centre.Their help wasinvaluable.10 schools (118 pupils),attended this exciting, interactive and fun filled day inspired by the WorldCup fever that is sweeping the nation! Organised by Mrs Skeldon from St JamessC.E. Primary School, the event was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended andthe feedback has been overwhelming.

Exercising at the worship forumSix activitystations were set up in and around the church building.The aim and theme of the event was to remindus that you can meet God anywhere and everywhere, including through sport. All six activities used a variety of Biblestories to demonstrate that God is all around us, and ready to listen wheneverHe is needed. Chawn Hill Church utilisedtheir football skills to work with children on fitness and goal scoring. Children learnt about Christians in sport andthe example that they set to us all. Inthe church hall, Reverend Nick had the children playing football with everyone being fully involved, regardless of theirlevel of football skill. Childrens loveof sport was experienced in a church environment with positive role models. After scoring goals, pupils then thoughtabout their own personal goals and how they could contribute to our Global Community. Responses from pupils were thoughtful andconsiderate and demonstrated that they were recognising how to transfer skillsfrom sport to their own, everyday lives. Many of the pupils reflected on Christian values and were theological intheir responses.

craft at the worship forumPractical activities in the main body of the churchallowed pupils to see this environment in another way. In the light of the stained glass windows,children made prayer flags and vuvuzelas with the Christmas Day football truce,during World War 1 being the inspiration behind this activity.                     

he story ofNehemiah rebuilding the city, informed and inspired children about theimportance of team work and working together. Children then made prayer bunting and flags to demonstrate that buildingfaith requires support and community around you. Bricks represented how a wall can be built somuch more successfully when a team works together.

AmblecoteChristian Centre led children in song using Makaton sign language. This was then used in the closing worship,led by Chris Smith of Arise Church, when all came together to share theirexperiences and celebrate all that had been learnt and reflected on in Godslove for us and love for one another.

children at the worship forumThis eventconcludes the fifth year of termly Worship Forums. The events continue to grow with people fromacross the Diocese and surrounding Christian Community joining in with theenergy and enthusiasm of Mrs Skeldon, who is the driving force behind it. The event provides schools and churches withregular opportunities to come together in a variety of settings to enjoy andcelebrate a common faith, spending time and sharing ideas. Manythanks to all who have volunteered their support.        

Shahne Vickery from the Diocesan Education Team said: 

What a brilliant way to inspirethe leaders of Collective worship in schools! This is a ground-breakinginitiative and I felt privileged to be there. 
Published: 10th July 2018
Page last updated: Tuesday 10th July 2018 8:51 AM

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