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2nd Sunday of Advent – Equipping Ministers for Mission

We have produced a series of videos for each week in Advent and Christmas Day featuring the lighting of candles on an Advent wreath while praying for growth in our diocese.

Equipping all our ministers for mission, whether lay or ordained, is of vital importance for us to grow as a healthy and sustainable church. In this video we pray that minsters feel supported and equipped for mission.

Blessed are you, God of seers and prophets,
summoning out your servants to speak your word,
opening our closed hearts to the fullness of your future:
as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus,
in whom all your promises find their fulfilment,
open our eyes to a bolder vision,
and equip our hands for a humbler service,
that we may truly bear witness to your love made flesh,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Take this flame, let it burn:
prophets called: “Hatred spurn,
serve the Lord, to God turn:
God will love and pardon,
bear away your burden.”

Shine, O candles, shine,
burn with love divine,
to the night, comes the light
of the Father’s glory.

Published: 10th December 2023
Page last updated: Monday 8th January 2024 2:07 PM

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