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Year 6 leavers' service at Cradley church

School children and teachers hold hands as they circle St Peter's ChurchCradley CE Primary School and the community came together at St Peter's Church for a special service to celebrate the year 6 leavers. 

Mother Victoria Barlow, Vicar of Cradley said: 

"We gathered to celebrate all that Year 6 are in their talents and blessings and to send them on their way with rousing songs and cheers, and with a personalised bible presented to them from the Church - go well, Year Six, we are so proud of you.

"We also gave tumultuous thanks for Marcia Harris, our headteacher for 12 years, and with 34 years teaching service in our Church School. Marcia is an astounding inspiration and example to us all of joy, hope and loving service. She is adored by all the community. The children had written songs for her, and tributes were offered from many of the School Community. Marcia had been blessed for her new chapters ahead in Church on Sunday, and presented with a token of our appreciation, and it was wonderful to have this further opportunity to celebrate with her. She also presented S. Peter's Church with a beautiful piece of artwork, which will grace our side chapel, where the children gather in worship. 

"The service finished with the children 'clypping' the church - an ancient tradition where a human chain is made around the Church building, expressing our love for this place, standing in the centre of our community, in a great hug hug of love."

Good luck to all those leaving their schools this year! 

Watch our interview with Marcia Harris as she retires.

Published: 19th July 2024
Page last updated: Friday 19th July 2024 4:14 PM

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