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St Matthew's Day

Published: 2nd August 2024

Just Money movement logoSt Matthew the Apostle, whose feast day is 21 September, was a tax collector, called by Jesus as one of the twelve (Matthew 9v9; 10v3).

Amongst other things he is considered the patron saint of tax collectors and civil servants generally. Tax is a very contemporary topic for political and economic debate, and one the Church has engaged with extensively, through such programmes as the Church Action for Tax Justice, a campaign of the JustMoney Movement.

Matthew lived at a time when tax was seen as something imposed by an occupying power, and something inherently oppressive. Unfortunately, in political discourse today, tax is still perceived as something largely negative and to be avoided, instead of being, as it should be seen, as a mechanism for building a fairer, more equal and caring society, which reflects kingdom values of love, compassion, justice, and freedom.

We are all part of the tax system, as users of public services, and contributors of tax – for the Common Good. The Christian voice needs to be part of this debate about the tax system, and how this helps shape a fairer, greener society for all – not only in this country, but globally.

Page last updated: Friday 2nd August 2024 12:36 PM

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