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Pentecost celebrations in Dudley & Worcester

Published: 21st May 2018

Praying for Dudley in Priory Park

Christians gathered at Priory parkHundreds of Christians of all denominations gathered inPriory Park in Dudley yesterday afternoon, enjoying a picnic in the sunshineand giving thanks to God for all who live and work in Dudley Borough to celebrate Pentecost. The event was led by an ecumenical team of church leaders atthe Bishop of Dudleys invitation. I

Dudley prayer stationThose present sang songs from a range of Christian traditionsled by a worship band and took part in different prayer activities prayingfor local churches, schools, health and welfare and the civic life in theborough. Everyone took home a flag from the occasion to use to continue to prayfor their local community and at the end of the afternoon, everyone circled theruins and faced outwards while praying together.

Bishop Graham at TKC Dudley 2018

The Bishop of Dudley, Graham Usher, said: It was amazing tosee so many people from different churches right across our Borough cometogether to praise God and pray together. We were hugely blessed by theglorious weather and throughout the afternoon, there was a real sense of joyand a feeling that when Christians work together we can achieve great things. 

See more photos from the event in Dudley.

Praying Thy Kingdom Come in the Cathedral

Cathedral packed for PentecostIt was standing room only in the Cathedral yesterday eveningas over 1000 Christians came together to celebrate Pentecost and pray together.Churches from all of the differentChristian denominations throughout the city and beyond cancelled their usualevening services to join together for the occasion, which featured best-sellingauthor and founder of the 24-7 prayer movement, Pete Greig.

Salvation Army band in the CathedralThe service featured the Salvation Army band as well as aworship band from All Saints Church. Leaders from Worcesters Free Churches,Baptists, Roman Catholics and Anglican churches led prayers and reflections.There was also be stands in the Cathedral highlighting the work of differentlocal organisations run or supported by Worcester churches.

Pete GreigIn his sermon, Pete Greig said: It is great to gather inthe Cathedral where theres been prayer for 1000 years or more. Its an amazingplace to worship Jesus. When we come to God in prayer, hes not concerned thatwe get the right words in the right order. He looks at our faces and reads ourhearts; stepping into our midst and understanding all our fears anddisappointments.

Pete also referred to the sermon given a the Royal weddingby Bishop Michael Curry, saying: When we pray for Gods Kingdom to Come, weare praying for that revolution of love. Were here as members of a two billionstrong revolutionary movement one which can right injustices and feed thehungry. We need to go out and proclaim the Good News of Jesus with new courage,and keep praying for the lives of those we love to be turned upside down by thelove of Jesus.

Puzzle piecesAll those attending the service were given two pieces of abig puzzle made up of the towns and villages of Worcestershire. They pledged totake their puzzle pieces home to pray for people in their communities.

See more photos from the Pentecost event in Worcester Cathedral.

Both events were part of Thy Kingdom Come, which began as asimple invitation to prayer from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in2016, but has since blossomed into a global movement bringing together hundredsof thousands of Christians from across the world to pray for more people tocome to know the amazing love of Jesus Christ during the 11-day period fromAscension Day to Pentecost. 

Page last updated: Monday 21st May 2018 2:13 PM

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