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New access ramp at St Edmund's Church, Dudley

Published: 7th July 2023

Waiting to be wheeled up the ramp at St Edmunds DudleyOn Sunday afternoon, 2 July members of the congregation and friends gathered for the official opening of a new ramp at St Edmund’s Church in Dudley.

St Edmund’s is built on raised ground, and access to the church and churchyard was via five steps, which has proved difficult to many over the years. This has now changed, and thanks to a generous bequest from the late David Stroyd, a purpose-built ramp has been constructed.

Churchwarden, Jon Harcourt said:

Cutting the ribbon for the new ramp at st edmund“David always remembered that his grandmother struggled with the steps but was a determined woman and nothing would stop her worshipping at St Edmund’s. He promised us that the finance for a ramp in memory of Agnes Mary Webb would come from him. It did, but unfortunately he passed away with seeing his promise fulfilled.”

Father John Oakes said prayers and sprinkled the new ramp with holy water and then Mrs Susan Williams cut the ribbon and declared it open.

Jon continued: “Susan and her family have been long time members of St Edmunds, but because of mobility problems with Multiple Sclerosis, she has not been able to join in worship for 19 years. In her speech she expressed her thanks for being invited as a special guest, and she was probably the happiest person at the gathering!”

People enjoying refreshments in the new coffee area at St EdmundThis marks the completion of the latest stage of St Edmund’s Access for All programme. The church now has a ramp from street level; sympathetic toilet with wide electronically operated door, a number of pews removed to have a level community area with tables and chairs; and a coffee corner for worshippers and visitors.

Page last updated: Friday 7th July 2023 11:32 AM

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