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#FaithatHome launched by the Church of England

Church of England has launched a new programme to make prayer a household habit once again.  #FaithAtHome will feature weekly video content to help families to talk about faith and pray together.

The videos will be led by children, young people, staff and school leaders from across the country. Over the next three months, #FaithAtHome will explore themes including courage, patience, generosity, resilience, love and hope.

Bishop Martin has supported the launch of these new resources saying: 

"I’m delighted to support the national Church of England initiative for families and children called #faithathome. Many of our ancestors in Britain would have gathered in their homes for family prayers, and in the current lockdown many people have been re-discovering the strength and comfort that comes from doing this. #faithathome helps families who stay together to pray together. I commend it to you.’

‘Hope’ is the topic for the first assembly at the Oak National Academy today, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, which aired at 10am this morning.The Oak National Academy was set up to provide video lessons and curriculum resources to assist teachers as they support pupils through the current COVID-19 restrictions. The assembly will be followed by weekly collective worship, provided in partnership by the Church of England and Oak National Academy, with content drawn from #FaithAtHome.

The #FaithAtHome programme will run for an initial 11 weeks and can be accessed at

Links to resources used at the launch event

Published: 30th April 2020
Page last updated: Thursday 28th May 2020 9:04 PM

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