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Becoming an Eco Cathedral

The Cathedral have produced a video about becoming an "Eco Cathedral" and their Living Gently on the Earth Series.

This video might inspire your church to start a journey to becoming an Eco Church. If you're already registered, could you reach a Bronze or Silver award in 2024?

Useful links

Worcester Eco Cathedral - find out more about the Cathedral's Eco Group and upcoming events.

Eco Church - find out more about A Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.

Climate Action in the Diocese of Worcester - please do join our Facebook group and share your news or tips and advice on all things eco!

Do let us know if you register to become an Eco Church and if you recieve an award.

Published: 7th November 2023
Page last updated: Tuesday 7th November 2023 1:19 PM

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