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10 years of the Authorised Lay Ministry course

Published: 3rd December 2019

Since the launch of the Authorised Lay Ministry (ALM) scheme in the Diocese in 2010, hundreds of people have trained as Worship Leaders, Pastoral Workers, Children and Youth Workers, Evangelists, Administrators, Community Workers and Music Ministers. 

ALM ministry has become a significant feature of our diocesan life, celebrating the many gifts of our church communities. We believe that a shared ministry of ordained and lay people is essential in a healthy Church. Ordained clergy, Readers and Authorised Lay Ministers all work together to support the shared witness and service of all who are called into Christs fellowship.

Many people want to offer their time and talents in particular ways, and our ALM scheme offers a short but focussed Diocesan training course, to equip them for specific roles in their parishes. 

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the ALM scheme. Do you think there is someone in your parish who might be called to serve in one of these ALM ministries? Might it be you who God is asking to take this step? 

Find out more about the ALM scheme.

Page last updated: Tuesday 3rd December 2019 9:34 AM

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