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Living Gently on the Earth

Published: 12th January 2024

Worcester Cathedral's living gently on the earth logo

The Cathedral Eco Group is delighted to invite you to join 'Living Gently on the Earth', a series of community events, talks and workshops on caring for our planet. There is fascinating programme between now and June to enable greener and more generous living:

  • 25 January, 2pm. Between Denial and Despair - A Christian Perspective on Hope in an Ecological Emergency.
  • 22 February, 7pm. Social Justice in Action: Sierra Leone - Christian Aid’s profound work around gender equality.
  • 21 March, 2pm. Take the Jump - We are hooked on ‘stuff’. How to make a difference.
  • 25 April, 7pm. Human health, planetary health: Same thing? - The food system, and how to eat more healthily to benefit the earth.
  • 23 May, 2pm. How can we all switch to a more sustainable “circular economy” and lower our environmental footprint? - Go Green Experts give guidance.
  • 27 June, 2pm. An Afternoon of Eco Poetry - Inspiring engagement, hopefulness, and action.

For more information, or to book free tickets to any of the events visit the Cathedral's Eco Church webpage, email Staffan Engstrom or scan the QR code below with your phone camera.

A qr code on a white background

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Page last updated: Friday 12th January 2024 11:20 AM

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