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Eco Flower Festival at Holy Trinity, Wordsley

Published: 5th July 2024

Flower created from recycled metal bottle lidsHoly Trinity Church in Wordsley is holding an Eco Flower Festival this weekend, with people from across the community contributing displays made from a range of different repurposed materials!

The idea came from congregation member, Julie Wood, who has been part of a dedicated group organising the festival. She said:

“Each year we hold a Christmas Tree festival with lots of different organisations decorating Christmas trees. We wanted to do something similar in the summer but weren’t sure that the schools and uniformed organisations would want to be involved in a traditional flower festival. We therefore challenged people to create an ‘eco display’ using materials which could be reused and recycled.”Colourful displays from a school in Wordsley Church

There will be over 30 displays from community groups and other local churches, which will be displayed in church on Saturday and Sunday. Some of the local schools have also been involved with the local special needs school creating displays in the colour of the names of each of their classes.

“People have been so creative,” continued Julie. “With one display, four generations of a family worked on it, with even the smallest children sitting and crafting flowers to be included!”

Display of colourful 'eco flowers' at Wordsley churchThe church also has cards on sale created from other cards, crafts donated by the church crafting group and candles created from donated serviettes! There will be a raffle across the weekend with Fairtrade and eco prizes including a bug house, bird feeder and hampers of Fairtrade goodies and eco cleaning products.

Vicar Lynn Rowson said: “When Julie suggested it, I thought it was a great way to engage with our local community as well as highlighting the climate crisis facing our society. People have been very creative with what they’ve used and how they’ve used it, and it’s been great to see their imaginative creations!”

Wordsley’s Eco Flower Festival will be open tomorrow from 10am until 5pm and Sunday from 2  3pm when the weekend will conclude with an organ concert.

Page last updated: Friday 5th July 2024 3:01 PM

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