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Being yourself

Published: 10th July 2024

Stephen Edwards in the CathedralAn article for August editions of parish magazines from the Dean Designate of Worcester, Stephen Edwards. 

I must find a way of explaining what I am doing over the summer without it sounding odd. When people as, ‘what next?’ I say I am going to disappear and then come back – as the Dean!

There is some reasoning behind it, but it is beginning to sound a little too much like a reference to ‘Stars in their eyes’. You may remember the dry ice doorway through which contestants passed before returning as their chosen celebrity. It is true that I am fortunate to be able to have some significant time on leave this summer as I finish in one role at the Cathedral and prepare for my installation as the next Dean of Worcester on Sunday 15 September (the service is at 3pm in the Cathedral and I do hope you will come).

But I am not disappearing, and I am certainly not going to come back through that ‘doorway’ as anything other than myself. Be yourself is probably the most quoted, and most useful piece of advice given to people for interviews, meetings, and stepping into new roles. Being ourselves should be the most natural thing in the world – surely we cannot be anyone else, and surely we all want to be more fully ourselves.

At the heart of the Christian life is that response to the God who calls us by name, at baptism and confirmation, and in every step we take. The way of Jesus is a way to authentic living, a way of living as God intended for those who he makes in his image. It is a call to be fully alive, fully ourselves.

I realise how fortunate I am to have extra time off this summer in readiness for changing role, but I pray that, whatever the weather and whatever the circumstances, you too might find time to be yourselves and know the love that God has for you as you are.

Page last updated: Wednesday 10th July 2024 3:11 PM

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