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We are the Church of England in Worcestershire and Dudley.
Welcome to the Diocese of Worcester.
Our diocesan vision is to grow as Kingdom People, sharing the good news of Jesus’ love in Worcestershire and Dudley.
As the body of Christ, God’s Kingdom People, we join together to worship God, make disciples, share hope, and transform communities as we live out values of love, compassion, justice and freedom.
The Diocese of Worcester is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults to worship and grow in Christ safely.
Featured Article
Goodbye and thank you Bishop John!
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Latest Articles
Net Zero Carbon push to get triple boost
1st October 2024
Bishop John receives award from the Archbishop of Canterbury
27th September 2024
Tardefest 2024
26th September 2024
Daily Prayers
Pray for an exciting future in the Bowbrook Benefice as we seek ways to work together, and as we discern God’s guidance in establishing New Worshiping Communities. Pray for our parish office and the work of Helen Vollam.
Upcoming Events
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Our Diocesan Mailing e-newsletter is published fortnightly. It's packed with resources, information, news and events to support those involved in church in the Diocese of Worcester.
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Please continue to support your local church as your first priority. However, if in addition to this, you are able to give to the ‘Diocese of Worcester Ministry Fund’, your donation will be used to help pay for our clergy now and in the coming months. |
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