Digital Church

There are a wide range of resources to use to connect with your congregation and the wider community digitally when you're not able to meet in person. Here are a few which you might want to explore: 

Digital worship

Zoom is generally limited to 100 people. This can be extended to up to 500 with the purchase of a special licence - if you buy this, make sure you have added the licence to your account ahead of your meeting. 

Pastoral visits

Why not set up a 'telephone tree' with members of the church leadership team each having a group of congregation members to call regularly to keep in touch and share news.

Using FaceTime, Skype, Facebook and WhatsApp video calls you can connect, pastorally, with those who need face-to-face connection during any time when church is unable to meet. 

Instructions for making video calls through: 

Download these top tips for having good conversations around Coronavirus . 

If telephone conference calling is easier than video, why not try Pow Wow Now

iKnow Church is being made available at no cost to churches until 30 September 2020. Churches can use iKnow to communicate with people, accept online donations, small group messaging, have forms filled in for people who need assistance and more. Why not see if it would be useful to you. 

Small groups and church meetings

Google Hangouts, Zoom and group chats on Facebook can mean that small groups can still meet, talk together and see each other using their smartphone or computer. Discussions, prayer, encouragement and fun can still happen when congregations are unable to meet and are all the more important.

  • Zoom meetings and chat (You can find good tutorials here)
  • Group conversations on Google Hangouts
  • Facebook group chats
  • Using Skype for group meetings or video calling people without a Skype account

Youth Officer, Simon Hill has put together a guide to video conferencing with young people . 

Read the experience of John Preston, Diocesan Secretary, of holding a house group meeting using Zoom! 

Other resources

Ideas and resources for different groups 

  • View resources for connecting with children and families when church is unable to meet.
  • View ideas and resources for those working with young people.
Page last updated: Thursday 25th June 2020 8:07 PM
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