There are 99 church schools in the diocese, which covers Dudley and Worcestershire Local Authorities. The Education Team offers programmes and resources to all schools in the area.
Our aims:
- Support, promote and oversee the work of those working with children and young people.
- Enable children and young people to develop spiritually.
- Enable the participation of children and young people in the mission and growth of the Church.
- Enable the faith development of children and young people within the Church.
- Strengthen links between parishes and educational establishments.
- Support those engaged in education in their vision and their delivery of R.E., Worship, and Spiritual, Social, Cultural and Moral Development.
- Support the leadership and management of Church Schools.
- Promote partnership within the diocese, including other Boards, and to serve those who are not yet the Church's members.
- Work in partnership with other relevant agencies.
Contact the Team
*All WDBF email addreses end with "" but have been partially hidden below to prevent spam.
Tim Reid
Director of Education
treid@cofe... / 07399 238687
Spencer Morris
Deputy Director of Education
smorris@cofe... / 07494 721498
Nadia Underwood
Executive Officer
nunderwood@cofe... / 01905 730733
Janine Jenkins
jjenkins@cofe... / 01905 732 825
Duncan Hutchison
Education Adviser
dhutchison@cofe... / 07960 977847
Gemma Martin
School Effectiveness Adviser
Simon Tapp - Consultant
Bev Roberts - Consultant
Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust (DoWMAT)
Visit the DoWMAT website:
Diocesan Board of Education
The Worcester Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) oversees the work of the Diocesan Education team, find out more.
Elements Diocesan Learning Trust
Visit the Elements website: