Lunchtime Learning – Reading Ruth

Date and Time :
23rd April 2024 - 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Led by the Rev’d Becky Elliott, Dean of Women’s Ministry

There are three books of the Bible (including the Apocrypha) that are named after their heroines: Ruth, Esther and Judith. This summer, our lunchtime learning sessions are on these three books, among the lesser known texts of the Bible.

Ruth is one of the shortest books in the Old Testament. For Jews, it’s in the third section of their Bibles, the Writings. Christians classify it as among the historical books, and place it between the books of Judges and Samuel. This appears to be roughly when it is set, a distant past for the author, who describes the customs of the period for an audience which doesn’t know them. The book tells the story of how a foreign woman becomes an ancestor of the great king, David, and thus also how Ruth gets a mention in Jesus’s family tree.

Come and explore this fascinating short story with our diocesan Dean of Women’s Ministry, Rev’d Becky Elliott.

To book your place please click here

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