When you pray - Practising Spirituality

Date and Time :
9th June 2022 - 10:00am - 12:30pm

Worcester Diocesan Spirituality Gathering - A morning of encouragement and reflection facilitated by Ian Spencer.

Thursday 9 June - 10.00am to 12.30pm (Arrivals and Refreshments from 9.30am) There will be an opportunity to stay for a further hour until 1.30pm to share over sandwiches (bring your own – drinks provided) for those who wish to do so.

Abbots Morton Village Hall - WR7 4NA (NB If the Covid situation requires that we meet remotely, we shall use Zoom)

There is no charge for attending, but we will be inviting donations towards the expenses of the session. Please book a place by contacting the Revd Nick Wright (revnmwright@btinternet.com or 07871 163140). We will be in contact beforehand with any further details.

Who and what is the meeting for?

The meeting is for anyone who is seeking to explore their spiritual awareness and deepen their faithfulness in the life of prayer. It is also likely to be helpful for those who are involved in the work of accompanying and listening to others on their spiritual journeys, whether they call this work spiritual direction or use some other name.

Whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. (Matthew 6.6) Ian is keen to help us put into practice sustainable patterns of prayer using well the spiritual tools and reflective avenues that we are learning and growing into. He will bring encouragement and challenge – as well as opportunities for us all to share some of our own reality and experience.

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