Everyday Faith in Work

Date and Time :
19th May 2021 - 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Tickets: https://bit.ly/3e2GIYy

How do your faith and your work connect with each other?

A lot of what is said and written about faith in the workplace is about relationships: treating people well, finding opportunities to share appropriately what we believe, bearing witness through our character and behaviour to the difference God makes in our lives.

But what about the nature of the work itself?

If we are employees, what are the aims and purposes of the companies we work for? Is the business about making money or making useful products, and where does the balance lie? How does my workplace serve the economy, or build up the common good? How does its structure promote just and equitable treatment of employee and customer alike? How much of a pay differential should there be between CEO and the lowest paid?

Whether I am employed or self-employed, where do I, on a personal level, feel most fulfilled in my work and why?

Do I see my work as a vocation to which God has called me? How does my faith help when things go wrong at work? These are much more difficult questions, in most cases having no cut and dried answers, no obvious connections with what the bible has to say, nor any straightforward moral prescriptions.

This workshop – offered to begin with on two different occasions – is for people to come together to explore these and other questions, and how they might relate to their own work and workplace. There is no fixed agenda, other than an agreement to meet together and explore these kinds of questions, in the hope such a conversation will be supportive and stimulating. If enough people are interested, there may be opportunity to plan a continuing conversation.

The workshop is convened by Doug Chaplin, Discipleship and Lay Training Officer for the diocese of Worcester, and Dick Johnson, lead chaplain for Faith at Work in Worcestershire and lead chaplain to the Police and Fire Services.

If you need any help with booking your place, or to discuss how to use Zoom, please contact Katie, Training and Events Co-ordinator: training@cofe-worcester.org.uk

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